INTEGRATIVE FACIAL CUPPING Ebook Info-bulle Protocoles de drainage lymphatique et lifting du visage


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  • livre numérique
  • 1230004325512
  • 03 novembre 2020
  • Adobe ePub
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For health practitioners, beauticians or for all...This book is practical and accessible with explanatory diagrams.It is a simple and effective technique.

The action of the suction cups acts on the different depths of the skin, muscles, and fascia. All vascular and nerve structures are stimulated. The cupping facial will have a manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) effect.

The cupping facial of this book is not based on Chinese medicine. It is based on the anatomical knowledge of the muscles and lifting concepts. By its physiological effect, cupping facial provides many reliefs.

The first part, insists on lymphatic drainage. It wants to be autonomous and practical for anyone with little anatomical knowledge. Try the Venus-Star Protocol!!

The second part, is a deepening of the knowledge of the first part on lymphatic drainage. There will also be close links between the lymphatic system and the venous system.

The third part, is an application of suction cups for the rejuvenation and treatment of facial wrinkles. Three protocols will be presented in relation to the notions of the mechanical properties of the skin and the aging of the face. Try three protocols of rejuvenation!!

The fourth part, explains three tips or methods that are included in the concept of integrative facial cupping. The face is a structure plated on a hollow sphere. So cleaning the mouth, nasal cavities, massage of the Meibomian glands are techniques that are included in this concept.Try the concept of INTEGRATIVE FACIAL CUPPING!!

So the keywords of facial cupping are drainage, lifting, muscle release and toning! The cupping facial takes care of the whole face and the surrounding areas (face, neck and low-necked).

Spécifications produit


livre numérique
Date de sortie initiale
03 novembre 2020
Format ebook
Adobe ePub

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Auteur principal
Carlos Paulo
Editeur principal

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